gastirc surgery in turkey

A Guide to Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey

One of the main categories of cosmetic surgery that many people often get in Turkey is to do with weight loss.

From gastric bands to tummy tucks, these surgeries can completely transform a person’s body and eating habits.

In this article we will explore some of the things you need to know about a Turkey tummy tuck and how you can find the best weight loss surgery in Turkey.

Let’s take a look.

Gastric Surgery in Turkey

Whether you are thinking of having weight loss surgery in Turkey or you are simply looking to get the best medical care, there are many things to consider and many different treatments available.

The cost of weight loss surgery in Turkey is relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to other countries. While it may cost less, this doesn’t mean the procedure is lacking in quality, as you can get a gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and gastric band fitted by well-qualified and experienced surgeons.

A surgeon’s credentials are an important factor. A doctor should be registered with an international governing body. If the doctor has a Diploma from the ISAPS or EBOPRAS, you can rest assured that he or she is qualified to perform the procedure.

A patient should also consider the aftercare. After surgery, it is important to follow instructions. Some supplements may be needed, and vitamin levels will need to be monitored.

Another important factor is the success rate. In Turkey, weight loss surgery is highly effective. In fact, the success rate is higher than in most other countries.

Although bariatric surgery in Turkey is not risk-free, it is safe. Bariatric surgeons in Turkey have extensive experience. The procedure requires a hospital stay and you should discuss your requirements with your doctor before you make the trip.

At MedCareNet, we don’t offer our Turkey treatment packages to everyone, and in our initial consultation we will get to know you and your requirements before assessing if this surgery will be right for you.

gastric surgery in turkey

How to find a weight loss surgery in Turkey

Thousands of patients travel to Turkey every year for weight loss surgeries. Turkey has a growing medical tourism industry due to its low cost of living and touristic value. This allows patients to afford the treatment.

Turkey has a lot to offer, including high quality hospitals, surgeons, and medical facilities and you must make sure your consider these factors when you are choosing a weight loss surgery clinic.

Some other vital factors are to make sure you feel comfortable working with the company you choose, that they are safe, and that they are providing everything necessary for your travel and accommodation, as well as good aftercare.

A good medical center, such as our partnered clinics, will have a high level of accreditation and doctors who are qualified. These facilities will also ensure safety and high quality of service.

The Turkish government has provided subsidies to help support the weight loss surgery industry. A large number of surgeons in Turkey are experienced and leading in their field but it is always a good idea to ask about the qualifications of the surgeons you will be working with during your initial consultation.

When choosing a weight loss surgery clinic in Turkey, make sure the clinic is accredited with the JCI. This will confirm the quality of the medical staff and equipment.

You should also consider the cost of the hotel stay and transfers that may be included in the price. This can vary greatly. You may also need to consider whether or not you will be bringing a companion with you and how this works with the treatment package on offer.

Travelling to Turkey to receive surgery is a big choice, and it can feel daunting. That’s why our team go through every necessary check to reassure you that you will be well cared for when travelling and staying in Turkey.

turkey surgery

Types of weight loss surgery in Turkey?

Various types of weight loss surgery in Turkey are performed to help overweight patients lose weight and improve their health. Choosing the right weight loss surgery for you depends on your individual health conditions and surgeon’s advice.

If you want to undergo weight loss surgery, you may need to meet a dietitian or a doctor before you make a decision. The doctor will give you important information about the surgery. The doctor may also give you dietary recommendations.

The doctor may also tell you about how to take care of your health after the surgery. For example, you may need to take multivitamins after you are discharged from the hospital. You may need to avoid smoking and alcohol for two weeks before the surgery and for a couple of weeks afterward.

Depending on your health conditions and surgeon’s advice, you may choose a gastric sleeve, gastric bypass or gastric band surgery. If you decide to have the surgery in Turkey, you may save up to 70% compared to the prices in the UK.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

This type of surgery is one of the most common undertaken in Turkey,

It involves making the stomach smaller, and therefore causing the patient to feel fuller when eating, which in turn will cause them to eat less.

Around 75-80% of the stomach is removed during this procedrue, which only takes around 1-1.5 hours to complete.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

This is similar to gastric sleeve surgery in the way it is designed to make you feel full quicker when eating.

While a sleeve involves removing some of the stomach though, bypass surgery involves adding a small pouch to the top of your stomach which acts as a second, much smaller, stomach.

This is attached with surgical staples to the small intestine, therefore bypasses the stomach.

Gastric Balloon Surgery

A lesser known surgery is gastric balloon surgery, which involves inserting a balloon into the stomach which, when expanded, will take up space and therefore cause the patient to feel fuller.

This is a quick procedure, and after 2 hours of assessment, the patient should be free to leave.

gastric surgery in turkey

Is weight loss surgery in Turkey safe?

Getting a weight loss operation in Turkey is a great way to improve your health. Several studies have shown that obesity is a major cause of many diseases in developed countries so finding a solution to fix it can be a big push towards a healthier lifestyle.

A common question about Turkey surgery though is is it safe?

Well, as long as you choose a trusted company such as MedCareNet, then the answer is yes!

All of our Turkish surgeons are well trained and use the latest technology. In fact, our Turkish bariatric surgeons are members of national surgical organizations. They also participate in international conferences.

There are several factors that determine the safety of a weight loss operation in Turkey. The most important is to find a good surgeon. A good surgeon will not only perform the surgery correctly, he or she will also ensure that the patient is well-prepared for the operation.

One of the more complicated aspects of a weight loss operation is the aftercare, and this is something that we take very seriously, providing round the clock care to ensure you are always fit and healthy as soon as your procedure is over.

We also provide safe accommodation and travel so you can be sure to have a comfortable and well looked after place to stay when arriving in our country.

gastirc surgery in turkey

What is a Turkey tummy tuck?

Those who have lost significant weight will be able to improve their abdominal shape with a tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck is a plastic surgery procedure that tightens the abdominal muscles and removes excess skin. It can also improve the neck and face.

Before getting a tummy tuck, you should make sure that you are in good health. The surgical procedure can only be performed by surgeons who have sufficient experience.

You also need to consider the cost of the surgery. The price can vary depending on several factors. These include the experience of the surgeon, the location of the clinic, and the type of treatment.

You can expect the cost to be lower if you choose Turkish surgeons. They are experienced and offer the same quality as surgeons in the United States and other countries.

Depending on your condition, the surgery may be performed in two or three hours. Some patients may need to stay overnight in the hospital to assess results.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. The underlying muscles are also sutured and the remaining skin is pulled down. The results of the operation are noticeable after three to six months.

turkey tummy tuck before and after

Turkey Weight Loss Surgery with MedCareNet

We only work with the highest-quality surgeons from state-of-the-art clinics.

If you would like a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our healthcare professionals, then get in touch today!

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